
Interdisciplinary Workshop on Performance and Accountability at the workplace


The Faculty of Administrative Sciences and Economics/Business and Management and Accounting Department has coordinated a workshop on “International Interdisciplinary Workshop on Performance and Accountability at the workplace”, on May 27th, 2021. Participants will understand the value of performance in a better way and will include a brainstorming session to provide constructive feedback to the organization. The main objective of this workshop is to observe the current financial status and analyze the overall performance levels to find ways to increase performance incrementally. Presenters: 1) Mr. Tavake Naa, Imperial College of New Zealand, 8 Steps to higher performance at the workplace 2) Dr. Samer [...]

Interdisciplinary Workshop on Performance and Accountability at the workplace2022-03-03T16:41:12+00:00

Investment Banking


Faculty of Administrative Sciences and Economics, Accounting Department organized a workshop on “Investment Banking” The workshop was conducted by Mr Anas Al-Haj, lecturer of Finance. In this presentation, Mr Anas Al-Haj explaining a brief about the history of behaving and the origin of investment banking and its functions as an intermediary between corporates seeking to raise their equity and investors who have a surplus of funds to invest, where investment banks provide services like wealth management, financial advisory, executing securities sales and trading. Investment banking is a specific division of banking related to the creation of capital for other companies, governments, and [...]

Investment Banking2023-10-02T11:49:16+00:00
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