Project-Oriented Courses

The following courses have been adopted as project-oriented courses:

  1. IRD 238 Ethnic Conflicts
  2. IRD 301/302 International Security I & II
  3. IRD 309 International Organizations
  4. IRD 318 Contemporary US Foreign Policy
  5. IRD 407 Foreign Policy Analysis
  6. IRD 438 Humanitarian Intervention in Global Politics

Industrial Experience Courses

The following courses have been adopted as industrial experience courses:

  1. IRD 233 Security and Due Diligence
  2. IRD 353 Media and Diplomacy
  3. IRD 313 Diplomacy in the 21st Century
  4. IRD 413 Diplomatic Protocol and Etiquette
  5. IRD 414 Diplomacy and Consular Service
  6. IRD 402 International Negotiation and Mediation