National Workshop on KRG Anti-Corruption Strategy Plan  
On 11 December 2024, the International Relations and Diplomacy and Law Departments at Tishk International University, in collaboration with the Stop Organization organized a “National Workshop on Assessing the KRG Anti-Corruption Strategy Plan for 2021-2025.” The workshop aimed at enlightening participants about the menace and dangers of corruption and the efforts being made by the Kurdistan Regional Government to combat it through its strategic anti-corruption plan. Mr. Badr Mohamad Taher served as the moderator and gave the welcome address and stated that the workshop was organized to celebrate this year’s International Anti-Corruption Day, and it is in line with SDG 16: Peace, Justice and Strong Institutions.  The workshop featured two distinguished speakers: Asst. Prof. Dr. Adnan Abdullah Rashid, Director General of the Office of Prevention and Transparency of the Board of Corruption, Kurdistan Regional Government and Mr. Farman Rashad Aziz, Board Coordinator of Stop Monitoring and Development and Member of the Secretariat of the Iraqi Corruption System – Transparency International.
The 1st speaker, Asst. Prof. Dr. Adnan Abdullah Rashid explained the KRG Anti-Corruption Strategy Plan for 2021-2025 and the achievements recorded thus far, which have impacted positively on the socio-economic development of the Kurdistan Region and its international image. The 2nd speaker, Mr. Farman Rashad Aziz took the participants through the efforts and contributions of the Stop Organization in the fight against corruption in the Kurdistan Region.
The workshop was attended by about 35 participants, including Tishk International University staff, students and policymakers. It enabled participants to know the causes and effects of corruption on the development of society, and the need to eradicate it because it affects negatively all aspects of societal life, such as education, health, housing, economy, politics, security and so on. The following recommendations were given:
  1. Strengthening of the institutions responsible for the fight against corruption.
  2. Strengthening of the legal framework for the fight against corruption.
  3. Enlightening members of the public about the dangers of corruption.
  4. Severe punishment for perpetrators of corrupt acts.
  5. Strict observance of the Rule of Law.
Finally, certificates of appreciation were issued to the distinguished speakers and moderator by the Dean of the Faculty of Law, Prof. Dr. Huseyin Mohammed Balisani and Head of International Relations and Diplomacy Department, Dr. Mohammad Salih Mustafa.