An Investigation on The Relationship Between Human Resource Management and Employee Satisfaction in The Area of Kurdistan Multinational Corporations  

Student Name: Shalaw Jange Talha  

Human ResourcesManagement (HRM)isessential to the success of any organization. Human resources have the ability to formulate strategy, attempting to analyze, direct, control, train, and maintain in order to meet operational targets and goals. In this way, the business is energized and successful as a result of everyone’s participation. Workplace strategies and aims require that human resources be handled in the most productive and profitable manner possible. With the importance of HRM, the current education investigates the relationship between human resource management and employee satisfaction in the area of Kurdistan multinational corporations, in this area number of education about HRMis limited in this case the study focusses for it. Also, necessariesto remarksprimary data was responsible to collected data by using a sampling technique 150 respondents were selected randomly from these Kurdistan multinational corporationsthrough a designed survey. The data analysis uses the answer of 137respondents because in total of 150 respondents 13of them failure to completed surveyproperly. Moreover, the aim of this education is to demonstration how HRMprovides positive effecton the employeesatisfactionin Kurdistan multinational corporations, in this manner the Pearson correlation test is applied to estimaterelationship between HRMand employeesatisfaction. Furthermore, outcomes show that there is positive relationship between human resource managementand employeesatisfactionin Kurdistanmultinational corporations.