Date of the Activity Type of the Activity (Code) Brief Description about the Activity Venue of the Activity Staff


Sponsor Participants Target Audience Done 

Not Done

Once in a month DA 7 Parents Visiting and Staff Visiting Students home or job Dr. Hamdi Serin, Assistants TIU Staff and Students Students and their parents Done
Starts from 21/02/2023 DA 7 Start of Outdoor Activities (Breakfast, Picnic…etc) TIU & Out of erbil Dr. Hamdi Serin, Assistants TIU Staff and Students All staff and Students Done
11-25/03/2023 DA 7 Spring (Newroz) Holiday For students/ Visiting Parents, Asistant and Students Students home or job Dr. Hamdi Serin, Assistants TIU Staff and Students Students and their parents Done
Each month 2 Students DA 7 Visiting Graduate student Students home or job Dr. Hamdi Serin, Assistants TIU Staff and Students Students and their parents Done
23/04/2021 DA3 4th Year Students will visit the production of plastic chairs Erbil, Haven Group Dr. Sulatana Begum TIU Students Students Done
23/2/2023 (NUR 6.3) Clean and Love Kurdistan with Municipality of Erbil and Enviromental Protction Office Dlopa opposite kasnazan Dr. Hamdi and Mr. Kadhim TIU and Erbil municipality TIU Students Students Done
TBC NUR 2.8 ICABEP-2023 Poland FASE TIU and Szcecien University Academics worldwide Academics and researchers
11/1/2023 NUR 2.8 International workshop on Strategic Management and Leadership TIU Prof. David Holliman, Karwan Sherwani and Fayeq Ali TIU Academics and Students Students and academics Done
20/5/2023 NUR 2.7 National Workshop on Sales and Marketing Management TIU Mr. Bryar Rauf and Fayeq Ali TIU Academics and Students Students and academics Done
24/05/2021 DA3 1st Grade Student for Scientific Trip Erbil, Das Food Industries Dr. Hamdi Serin and Mr. Fayeq Ali TIU Students Students Done