
Summer School Final Exam Schedule 2017-2018


Dear Students You are directed to follow the Summer School Final Exam Schedule for the Academic Years 2017-2018. Note: The Make-up Students are doing their final makeup exams with summer school students, Please follow the summer school exam schedule. Attention, If any day is going to be a holiday that day of exams will shift for the day after. Business and Management Accounting International relations & Diplomacy Banking and Finance

Summer School Final Exam Schedule 2017-20182020-10-27T06:33:38+00:00

Make-Up Exam Announcement


Announcement Dear students, You are requested to pay attention, the Dates and Times for the following Make-up exams are changed. Grade Subject Name Date Time 1st Grade Behavioral Sciences Sep 12, 2018 11:30 AM 3rd Grade Finance Management Sep 13, 2018 3:30 PM 3rd Grade Ethnic Conflicts Sep 12, 2018 3:30 PM 3rd Grade Political Participation Sep 12, 2018 3:30 PM

Make-Up Exam Announcement2020-10-27T06:34:57+00:00

Registration for Make-up Exams Extended


Dear Students You are directed to register for the Make-up exams that you failed in Fall and Spring (2017-2018) semesters. The Registration for Make-up Exams Extended  starts from 26/June/2018 to 05/July/2018 in Room #420. Students without registration will not be accepted to enter the Make-up Exams. فيرخوازانى بةريز بةمةبةستى ئةنجامدانى تاقيكردنةوةى خولى دووةم بو هةر وانةيةك كة ليى دةرنةجووى، دةبيت بو  هةروانةيك ناوت توماربكةيت لةزوورى زمارة ٤٢٠  لةروزانى 26/6/2018 تاكو 5/7/2018 هةر فيرخوازيك ناوى تومار نةكربيت لةم ماوةيى بوى ديارى كراوة مافى ئةنجامدانى تاقيكردنةوةكانى خولى دووةمى نابيت.

Registration for Make-up Exams Extended2020-02-27T11:01:08+00:00

3rd Tishk International Business and Administrative Sciences Student Conference


The Faculty of Administrative Sciences and Economics successfully organized and completed the 3rd Tishk International Business and Administrative Sciences Student Conference on May 14th, 2018. The conference started at 10:00 AM with a welcoming speech by Mr. Fayeq Ali as the Conference Moderator. Dr. Idris Hadi Salih, Chairman of Board of Trustees and President of Tishk International University presented an introductory speech about Tishk International University. Mr. Fatih Cura, Dean of Faculty of Administrative Sciences and Economics, as the Honorable Committee of the conference, presented a speech that motivated participants and conference organizers for better performance and emphasized the importance of events that have a great [...]

3rd Tishk International Business and Administrative Sciences Student Conference2023-10-02T11:57:45+00:00
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