Lack Of Female Educational Rights and Educational Gender Inequality in The Kurdistan Region
Student Name: Adrina Sihad Mustafa
This thesis delivers a qualitative and quantitative study of the rights of Kurdish women’s education in the “Kurdistan Region of Iraq” (KRI) regarding gender inequality and oppression. It intends to assess and evaluate the educational rights of females in the region and whether there is inequality and restrictions in such regards. It seeks to uncover whether there is equal access to all educational levels in a region that has long been tormented with different forms of conflict. To understand this study, a combination of a descriptive and exploratory thesis, mixed research approaches were used to assess, analyze and compare the literacy and enrollment ratios of both genders in educational academies in the Kurdistan region and to evaluate whether both females and males have equal rights regarding their studies. Quantitative and qualitative data was collected. The quantitative data collated was analyzed through SPSS software package and excel while the qualitative data was gathered through interviews. As a result of the quantitative data findings, in private and public universities, the ratios of the two genders were quite contradictory. In public universities of the KRI, in the late 2000s, males were significantly more dictating than females. In recent times, females are more in numbers in the public universities of the KRG. In private universities, males continuously dominate over females with the ratio’s constant over the years. Males are higher in numbers in schools and lower education as well, but the disparity is less pronounced as compared to higher education.. The findings of the qualitative data gathered indicated that gender inequality persists in education with females being discriminated and restricted due to their gender. The results of this study uncovered a significant gender disparity gap between female and male students in the Kurdistan Region.