In the Loving Memory of the Late Dr. Krishna Navulur

The Rectorate and the Faculty of Administrative Sciences and Economics, Department of Accounting at Tishk International University join with several departments to express our deep sorrow at the death of Dr. Krishna Navulur and pay tribute by visiting his grave on 1st Sep 2022 to ask forgiveness from Almighty of Allah.

Dr. Krishna Navulur was a tremendous person and colleague. He was engaged in many university, faculty, and departmental activities. The Faculty of Administrative Sciences and Economics lost one of the outstanding performers, and he will never come again. He had been working with the Faculty of Administrative Sciences and Economics for the last nine years. He was the Head of the Accounting Department (2013-2021).

The Faculty of Administrative Sciences and Economics will always remember him in our good memories and wish that Allah will always take care of him.

Gone from our sight, but never from our hearts.

! May he rest in peace!