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So far narmin shirwan has created 64 blog entries.

3rd Meeting Between FASE Management and SRC


3rd Meeting Between FASE Management and SRC The Faculty Council of the Faculty of Administrative Sciences and Economics (FASE) and the Faculty Student Representative Council (SRC) met to discuss how the education system and environment at the faculty could be made better.  The meeting was the third meeting conducted between the Faculty Management and the SRC in the second semester. During the meeting, Prof. Dr. Osman Nuri Aras, the Dean of the Faculty, responded to the proposals/suggestions provided by the SRC to make improvements in the academic system and environment.  Prof. Aras, the Dean of FASE, also shared information about [...]

3rd Meeting Between FASE Management and SRC2023-06-12T09:12:55+00:00

Exploring the World’s Most Prominent Business Figures and Corporate Taglines Activity


Exploring the World's Most Prominent Business Figures and Corporate Taglines Activity On the 3rd of May, 2023, a distinguished event was organized by Prof. Dr. Ghousia Khatoon, esteemed Professor of the Accounting Department, Finance and Banking Department at Tishk International University, in collaboration with Dr. Abubakar Karaye, a Lecturer from the Departments of Finance & Banking, and Accounting. The event was titled "Exploring the World's Most Prominent Business Figures and Corporate Taglines." This gathering was structured in two engaging rounds. Both the students of the Department of Finance and Banking, and that of Department of Accounting participated in the event. [...]

Exploring the World’s Most Prominent Business Figures and Corporate Taglines Activity2023-06-12T08:59:50+00:00

Accounting Department Establishes Minor Areas


Accounting Department Establishes Minor Areas In a dedicated effort to further enrich the academic experience of our students, the Accounting Department, Faculty of Administrative Sciences and Economics (FASE) at Tishk International University is introducing the concept of Minor Areas. The primary objective of this project is to establish specialized minor areas within each department under the FASE umbrella, thereby affording students the opportunity to pursue a focused set of courses aligned with their specific areas of interest. These minor areas will prove especially advantageous to students when considering their area elective courses. These elective courses will be thoughtfully curated and [...]

Accounting Department Establishes Minor Areas2023-06-12T08:52:35+00:00

Accounting Department Establishes Employment Support System


Accounting Department Establishes Employment Support System In order to provide comprehensive support for graduating students in their pursuit of employment, the Accounting Department, Faculty of Administrative Sciences and Economics (FASE) at Tishk International University has implemented an innovative Employment Support System. Under this system, the curricula vitae (CVs) of graduates who have achieved a graduation grade of 2.7 and above, and who are additionally endorsed by the department heads and advisors, will be shared with the human resources departments of companies that have either signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) or established communication with our university. Recognizing the pivotal role that employment [...]

Accounting Department Establishes Employment Support System2023-06-12T07:48:05+00:00

Accounting Department Establish Junior Coaching System


Accounting Department Establish Junior Coaching System The Accounting Department, Faculty of Administrative Sciences and Economics (FASE) at Tishk International University is set to implement a pioneering initiative named Junior Coaching System in the upcoming academic year. The Junior Coaching System is a structured program designed to facilitate the mentorship and guidance of junior students by experienced senior students or assistants within their respective fields of study. This system is poised to become an invaluable asset, yielding numerous advantages for both senior and junior students alike. The significance of the Junior Coaching System in empowering students cannot be overstated. Through this program, students will [...]

Accounting Department Establish Junior Coaching System2023-06-12T07:44:41+00:00

Accounting Department Outlines Project Oriented Courses


Accounting Department Outlines Project Oriented Courses The Faculty of Administrative Sciences and Economics (FASE) at Tishk International University is dedicated to providing its students with a comprehensive education that prepares them for success in the professional world. In line with this commitment, each department at FASE has defined specific courses as Project Oriented Courses, offering students a unique learning experience that promotes practical skills development, collaboration, critical thinking, problem-solving, creativity, and innovation. Project-oriented courses are widely recognized as an essential form of learning that provides students with real-world experience and prepares them for success in their future careers. By engaging in [...]

Accounting Department Outlines Project Oriented Courses2023-06-12T07:42:20+00:00

Accounting Department Launches The Industrial Experience Course


Accounting Department Launches The Industrial Experience Course The Faculty of Administrative Sciences and Economics (FASE) at Tishk International University is committed to providing its students with practical knowledge and skills that will prepare them for the workforce. In pursuit of this goal, FASE has announced that each of its departments will offer an Industrial Experience Course in the upcoming academic year. This course is designed to provide students with firsthand exposure to the real-world workings of the industries that they are studying. By participating in this course, students will have the opportunity to apply their classroom learning to practical situations, develop important [...]

Accounting Department Launches The Industrial Experience Course2023-06-11T16:31:26+00:00

First Issue of Business World Bulletin Published


First Issue of Business World Bulletin Published The Faculty of Administrative Sciences and Economics (FASE) is proud to announce the publication of its first Business World Bulletin. The bulletin is available online and can be accessed via the following Link: Business World Bulletin – TIU

First Issue of Business World Bulletin Published2023-06-11T16:28:01+00:00

Accounting Department Establishes Mentorship Program


Accounting Department Establishes Mentorship Program The Faculty of Administrative Sciences and Economics (FASE) at Tishk International University recognizes the importance of providing its students with opportunities for academic and professional development. As part of this commitment, FASE has announced that each of its departments will establish a Mentorship Program, designed to provide students with guidance, support, and networking opportunities that can help them achieve their goals and succeed in their chosen career paths. Mentorship programs have become an essential part of academic and professional development for students worldwide. They offer a unique opportunity for a less experienced mentee seeking guidance and support [...]

Accounting Department Establishes Mentorship Program2023-06-11T16:27:07+00:00

Workplace Experience Opportunity for Students


Workplace Experience Opportunity for Students The Faculty Council has made a decision that will provide an incredible opportunity for second-grade students in the upcoming summer term. As part of a new Workplace Experience Program, students who have completed their second year with a GPA of 3 and above will be able to apply for a chance to work in companies related to their field of study. This program will last between 2 to 4 weeks, depending on the needs of the student and the company they are working with. The program is distinct from the traditional internship program, where students [...]

Workplace Experience Opportunity for Students2023-06-11T16:22:29+00:00
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