Dr. Fatih Cura, participated 3rd International Conference on Economics and Development 2019 as plenary speaker under the title “: “4th Industrial Revolution and Ethical Concerns” which was held in Bangkok, Thailand from 13th June 2019 to 14th June 2019.
Dr. Fatih represented Tishk International University in the conference and explained the accolades and growth rate of the university during the past decade. Dr. Fatih invited participants of the conference to join two conferences [International Conference on Accounting, Business, Economics and Politics (ICABEP 2020) and 4th International Business Administrative Sciences Student Conference (IBASSC 2020)] which will be held at Tishk International University.
Dr. Fatih received the plaque on behalf of the Tishk International University being an Academic Partner for the conference from Mr. Isanka Gamage, Conference Convener and Co-founder and Managing Partner of TIIKM Research and Development Center.
Dr. Fatih started his speech on stressing the importance of Ethics, Morality and Ahlak during the 4th Industrial Revolution phase and reiterated the advancements of past three industrial revolutions. He expressed his hope in maintaining ethics by all stakeholders who involved in the 4th Industrial Revolution. He shared tipping points that are expected to occur by 2025 and human connection in IR 4.0. He stressed universal ethical values which need common ground irrespective of religion, geography, caste, creed and race.
Dr. Fatih explained Tishk International University’s commitment towards imparting ethics across all students and implementing a strategic plan towards involving ethically, process vigorously and achieve enormously.
Dr. Fatih Cura appreciated the efforts of organizers of ICED in organizing conference successfully and making Tishk International University as an academic partner.
Here is the link of the list of keynote speakers for ICED: