Dear Students,

Fall Semester Midterm Examination for all grade is going to start on Sunday, the 9th of November. Please study hard and be prepared. We also kindly ask you to follow the examination guidelines:

  • It is the student’s responsibility to follow the exam schedule and be informed about the dates and time of the exams. Please be inside the exam hall 10 minutes before the start of the examination.
  • You must be quiet and remain quiet upon entering the exam hall.
  • Write all the required information on the answer booklet.
  • Keep all electronics outside of the exam hall, electronics such as phones and smartwatches are not permitted inside the hall.
  • Keep all papers and books outside of the exam hall.
  • Bring your own stationery, borrowing from other students is not allowed.
  • It is required that you have your student ID with you, and it is placed on your desk during the exam.
  • Once you have been given permission to leave, please take your belongings and leave the classroom swiftly and quietly.
  • Cheating during the exam is not permissible under any circumstance, cheating will result in serious penalties, as student(s) will be asked to hand in the exam paper and leave the exam hall immediately.

You can find the Midterm Exam Schedule for your Department below:

For the Business and Management schedule please, click here.

For the Accounting schedule please, click here.

For the Finance and Banking schedule please, click here.

For the International Relations and Diplomacy schedule please, click here.