Dr. Armayau Alhaji Sani Delivered Internal Seminar on “The role of Internationalized Board Members on Tax Avoidance and Real Activities Manipulations”
The Departments of Accounting, Banking and Finance, Faculty of Administrative Sciences and Economics, Tishk International University organized Internal Seminar on “The role of Internationalized Board Members on Tax Avoidance and Real Activities Manipulations”. The Seminar was delivered by Dr. Armayau Alhaji Sani.
The seminar provides a comprehensive overview on the role of foreign directors on tax avoidance activities and real earnings manipulations in Nigeria. The presenter highlighted that companies capitalized on the loopholes in the tax law to minimize the level of tax liabilities.
The seminar equipped the attendees with various methods and strategies used by companies and individual taxpayers to minimize their tax expenses. It also highlighted that the presence of foreign directors, who are expected to checkmate the aggressiveness of managers, is not aligned with tax avoidance and real activities manipulations. It was proven that tax avoidance appears to be legal in the eyes of the law. However, excessive tax avoidance is associated with high risk and the possibility of bankruptcy.
The seminar concluded with the ‘thank you note’ by the participants.